Core Book Errata
Section | Page | Errata |
Security and Locks - New Section | 82ish | Suggest that all rules related to Locks, Lockpicking, and Security ratings be moved to a separate section where more explanation can be had. This includes new rules that Security ratings can exceed 5 and that when there are more than 5 remaining levels of Security on a lock or turret, a character cannot pick that lock / disarm that turret. |
Monster Modifiers | Page 93 | Turret - An opponent portrayed by an NPC in a stationary position, most commonly sitting on a collapsable stool. Turrets are immune to damage and Status Effects, and periodically make game calls (which could be damage, status effects, or other things) delivered in a variety of ways. To remove a Turrent, PCs can either defeat all other opponents in an Encounter or "disarm" the Turret. Any character with Lockpicking may attempt to disarm the Turret. They compare the Turret's Security rating (which may exceed 5) to the number of levels of Security their Lockpicking defeats. If they completely defeat the turret's Security, they can complete a 15 second count to disable the Turret. If there are 5 or fewer remaining Security levels, the Proxy will use an appropriate "lock" mechanic, such as Uzzle or an actual combination lock, to represent the PC's ability to disarm the Turret. When they complete the challenge, the Turret is disarmed. Proxies may designate Turrets to be "Environmental". In this case the NPC playing the Turret will wear an Orange headband and not be disarmable. Finally, a Proxy may declare a Turret's lock status a "Puzzle Lock". In this case, PCs much complete some puzzle challenge to disarm the Turret - they cannot use Lockpicking. At the Proxy's discretion, Turrets may be instructed to ignore player attempting to Disable them or not. |
Crafting | Page 122 | Belt of Imbued power never stacks with Weapon of Quality. As a result, some Power Trees that heavily use Swing attacks may not be good choices for a Belt of Power. |
Crafting | Page 125 | Marque Tattoo references Maintenance for Connection Checks, which was removed. |
ANPRM - Likely Changes
Section | Page | Change |
General | --- | Should EX just become T? |
Sections to Add to the Rulebook | --- | "How to use Titles", "How to Flavor your Powers", Airship Training rules |
Clarifications | --- | Triggering PvP by killing NPCs, Wormhole physics, Guild membership, Spell Pool, Dealing with defeated NPCs, No Polytheistic Path of Faith, Social Butterfly not stacking with Rank, throwing weapons are Projectiles, Having only one gold dot item |
Craft | Droving | Add to levels, inserting between 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, to smooth this out. |
- 12 Change summary 03/09/2024 + 04/08/2024 (Season 12 opening version)
- 12 Draft Change summary 03/02/2024
- 11.5 Change summary 06/19/2023 (Season 11 mid update)
- 11 Change summary 03/15/2023 (Season 11 opening version)
- 11 (Gold Draft) Change summary 02/1/2023
- 10.1 Change summary 04/13/2022
- 10.0 Change summary 03/21/2022 (Season 10 opening version)
- 9.2 Change summary 06/23/2019 (Post-COVID Season 9 opening version)
- 9.1 Change summary 05/14/2019
- 9.0 Change summary 03/08/2019 (Pre-COVID Season 9 opening version)
- 8.0 Change summary 05/10/2018 (Season 8 opening version)
- 7.0 Change summary 01/29/2018 (Season 7 opening version)
- 6.0 Change summary 03/10/2017 (Season 6 opening version)
- 5.0 Change summary 03/16/2016 (Season 5 opening version)
- 4.0/4.1 Change summary 01/11/2015 (Season 4 opening version)
- 3.0 Changelog 02/17/2014 (Season 3 opening version)
- 2.5 Changelog 07/23/2013 (Season 2 mid update)
- 2.1 Changelog 11/13/2012 (Season 2 opening version)
- 2.0 Change Overview 11/05/2012
- 1.1 Changelog 01/03/2012
- 1.0 Changelog 03/03/2011 (Game Launch version)
- 0.999 Changelog 12/04/2010
- 0.99 Changelog 10/10/2010
- 0.98 Changelog 09/05/2010
- 0.97 Changelog 08/10/2010
- 0.96 Changelog 08/02/2010 (Open Beta version)