Kishar Rules
Core Book (v12) In addition to the rules needed to play the game, this document includes information about the playable lineages and classes, and explains how to build a character.
If you are planning to NPC only, you can skip "Creating a Player Character" (p. 37 - 71) and the majority of the second half of the book, "Power Tree Details" (p.110 - 173). This information is really only needed by Player Characters. The most important sections for NPCs are: "Introduction / Game Policies" (p. 10 - 36), "Weapons / Armor / HP / Combat and Safety / Modifiers to Play / Call Summaries" (p. 78 - 97), and "Powers" (p. 106 - 109).
Current Volunteers These players have special roles in the game.
Errata and Changelogs Major revisions to the rulebook come out twice a season. In the meantime, rulings made between games are collected here, along with any errata issued to correct unclear wordings.
Army Rules An occasionally-used system for Army-level combats.
Naval Rules If we ever need fleet-level naval combat, we use game pieces and rules from the Pirates system (we have no ownership of this system). The rules listed here are a comprehensive set created in 2013 and originally hosted here: . We provide the source to attribute development and claim no ownership over this document.